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Be each others best friend

Tips to successful Relationship


Be each others best friend

One of the first questions I often ask the couples I work with is, Who is your best friend? If they answer that they are each others best friends, I know that there is a foundation upon which to repair their relationship.
If, on the other hand, the couple tells me that they dont think of each other as friends at all, I know I have my work cut out for me. A best friend is someone you feel safe with, someone you trust with the good, the bad and the ugly of who you are, someone who knows you inside and out and who accepts you nonetheless.
A best friend is someone who has your back in life and whose back you have someone you can really, truly count on. A best friend is someone you just plain like spending time with because you feel fond of that person and that persons very presence makes you feel happy. A best friend is someone who will hang in there with you and work through problems.
Most of all, a best friend is someone you admire and respect and whose presence you feel blessed by in life. Couples who feel this way about each other tend to be successful. Couples who dont may be missing the most important cornerstone of a happy marriage.


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