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Choose Your Battles Carefully

Tips to successful Relationship


Choose Your Battles Carefully

After marriage or when two people move in together, couples tend to discover pretty much the same thing no matter who they are that they are two different people and living together is harder than anyone ever told them. Love conquers a lot of things, but it is no match for living day in and day out with another human being especially if youve spent years on your own .
Prepare yourself for this challenge by choosing what arguments you want to turn into a full blown battle. For instance, do you really want to start a fight over the toothpaste cap or how clean the shower is? Or would you rather reserve your energy for the discussions over finances, kids, and career paths you know, the things that might really matter to a person . Too many couples fight and bicker over the dumbest things, especially when put into context of issues of true importance.


Make repair attempts
Be supportive
Show some affection
Respond gracefully to your partners
Keep it sexy
Learn from arguments
Make alone time a priority
Focus on giving
Be there for your partner
Recognize and admit
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