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Question Conclusions

Tips to success in MAT Exam


Question Conclusions

One important GMAT skill, particularly on Critical Reasoning and Data Sufficiency questions, is that of exercising skepticism. So as youre bombarded with advertisements and news stories that ask you to buy into conclusions, look at them skeptically to train yourself to analyze the logic between fact and conclusion the way youll have to on the GMAT. ?Save up to 75% at our summer sale?? Doesnt ?up to? include everything down to ?save nothing?? As you consume media this summer youll be faced with plenty of less than airtight arguments; start questioning those and youll be able to carry that mindset into your fall GMAT preparation.


Have a Study Plan in Place
Turn enemies into friends
Discipline is Crucial
Keep your eye on the time
Read This Blog
Mix it up
Read each question carefully and thoroughly
Master the Fundamentals
The first 10 questions are very important
Try to complete the exam
Attempt fist five questions well
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