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Set your study goals and create a flexible study plan

Tips to succeed in Exams


Set your study goals and create a flexible study plan

In order to achieve exam success you need to know what you want to achieve. Thats why it is extremely important to set your Study Goals now and outline to yourself what you need to do. With your study goals in mind and your end of year exams weeks and months away it makes sense to have a flexible study plan as opposed to a rigid one. The closer you get to your exams the more concrete your study plan should be, but at this point it should be porous. It should be broad enough to allow you to add and change aspects but concise enough so you know youre covering each subject/topic as best you can at this point.


Creating a Study Plan
Create mind maps
Surround yourself with learning
Study well in advance
Plan you Answers
Work with concentration
Quiz yourself
Try the verbal approach
Reading Time
Manage your time
Trust yourself and your memory
Reward Yourself
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