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Create mind maps

Tips to succeed in Exams


Create mind maps

Mind maps are graphic organizers, developed by Tony Buzan, which can help you summarize vital information from lectures and textbooks. Each topic can be condensed onto a page; each chapter can be encapsulated onto a larger map. Eventually, you can develop a mind map to review the key sections of each course and get a broad view of how each topic relates to the others. Then, to review before an exam, see if you can reconstruct the map. In this way, you can test yourself to see if you can recall key terms, factors, reasons and examples.


Study well in advance
Reading Time
Work with concentration
Keep up with reading
Make use of mnemonics
Trust yourself and your memory
Organise your time
Sleep well before the exam
Before the Final Exam
Studying for the Exam
Surround yourself with learning
Essay style questions
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