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Caulk Around Windows and Doors

Tips to get ready for Winter


Caulk Around Windows and Doors

Richardson says that if the gaps between siding and window or door frames are bigger than the width of a nickel, you need to reapply exterior caulk. Silicone caulk is best for exterior use because it wont shrink and its impervious to the elements.Try GEs Silicone II Window and Door product, which is rain ready in three Check window glazing putty, too . Add weatherstripping as needed around doors, making sure you cannot see any daylight from inside your home.


Mulch Leaves When You Mow
Prepare to Stow Your Mower
Clean the Gutters
Divert Water
Prevent Ice Dams
Drain Your Lawn Irrigation System
Don t Prune Trees or Shrubs Until Late Winter
Call a Chimney Sweep
Reverse Your Ceiling Fans
Turn Off Exterior Faucets
Test Your Sump Pump
Caulk Around Windows and Doors
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