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Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

Tips to get ready for Winter


Reverse Your Ceiling Fans

If your ceiling fan has a reverse switch, use it to run the fans blades in a clockwise direction after you turn on your heat. Energy Star says the fan will produce an updraft and push down into the room heated air from the ceiling.
This is especially helpful in rooms with high ceilings and it might even allow you to turn down your thermostat by a degree or two for greater energy savings.


Divert Water
Reverse Your Ceiling Fans
Prepare to Stow Your Mower
Call a Chimney Sweep
Tune Up Your Heating System
Clean the Gutters
Hit the Roof
Mulch Leaves When You Mow
Turn Off Exterior Faucets
Caulk Around Windows and Doors
Don t Prune Trees or Shrubs Until Late Winter
Drain Your Lawn Irrigation System
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