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Tips to get ready for New Year



The morning after the New Years day many traditional red envelopes with a bit of money in them are given to children and friends. This symbolises a helping hand from the older generation to the younger one, as well as wishes for prosperity and financial well being. Small gifts are also exchanged between family members and friends. You might be familiar with the lion dance, which is often performed during the Chinese New Year in both businesses, as well as some homes. The meaning of the lion dance is to evict and neutralize all negative energy from the previous year. The firecrackers during this celebration have the same purpose of evicting the evil spirits. Traditionally, the Chinese New Year celebration lasts for 15 days with the festival of Lanterns being the culmination of this big holiday. This is the day when numerous candles are lit on the streets of Chinese communities to symbolize the coming of a fresh new light of the New Year. The beautiful sight of many red paper lanterns with a gentle flickering of fire in them is a welcoming symbol of the hopes and wishes for a beneficial New Year.


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