Tips to get ready for New Year
The calendar year just begun or about to begin.Happy New Year , New Years Day .
1. Tolerations
We need as much energy as possible to create big ideas that will have big impact and then move mountains to make them happen. But this can not occur unless you get rid of the tolerations in your life (at work and at home) and free up some energy.Tolerations are anything that are bug you and drain you of your energy. They can be as simple as a button missing from your shirt or a pile of holiday things you have not yet put away. Or they can be really big like where you live or the job you are in. One of my clients is dealing with the last two and is now moving houses and has a clear plan on finding her ideal job that will play to her strengths and passions! Its very difficult to become a strategic influencer in your world if you do not have your own ducks lined up first.Your challenge: Make a list of every toleration you have (do not be freighted if it takes a whole page or more) and then commit to tackling the first 5 this week.
2. Build in Reserves
It would be great to buffer enough time to deal with every unexpected opportunity or crisis in our lives. But we all know the wheels go off the wagon every once in a while. This is when you need that buffer or emergency fund of time, energy, or meals in the freezer. Build some buffer into your schedule each day, week, month and year And then stock-up on supplies and create systems at the office and at home so you're you will have more energy AND be more productive even when things go awry. Stock-up on things like meals, birthday gifts and cards, toiletries, travel items, wardrobe staples, pens, computer equipment,supplies, envelopes,stamps, pens, so you are never running out at the last minute and you have a stock pile when you need it. Your Challenge: Pick 3 areas in your work and life to stock-up on this week.
3. Build Rocks in Your Schedule
Take a look at the big picture this year and start building your schedule in a systematic way. You do not even need focus areas or goals yet to do this step but if you do, you can work these in too.
Batch items in your calendar around meetings, appointments, email, strategic thinking, and catch-up time. Now block off some time daily, weekly, monthly and yearly to represent these times.
Give yourself some time each week (ideally a ? day to 1 day) preferably at the same time to get some strategic thinking ,work done and to play catch up from your hectic schedule. Also think about vacation days and wellness days throughout the year and block those in your calendar.Challenge: Start by putting rocks in your schedule for year. See if you can batch more things together to free up chunks of time. Be BOLD with your time and how you spend it!
4. Be flexible
You may find that the goal you set in January is not working for you come March or April. If you are not able to reach your original goal, whether its because you do not have the time or the commitment, do not be afraid to lower your standards a bit and set a goal you can reach.
5. The Nitty Gritty
Now that you have some idea of what you want to accomplish, you need to figure out how to get there. How much time do you need? How much will you realistically do? Setting up a program can be as simple or as complicated as you want it to be. At its most basic, it's as simple as sitting down with your calendar and deciding when you are going to do new year.
6. Figure out where you are going to do
You can workout at the office, at home or on your lunch hour. You can set up your own program or use videos. Look at your schedule, your calendar and your budget and map out your plan before you get started.
7. Educate yourself
Before you jump into something, take some time to learn the basic guidelines for celebrating new year. Start at the Beginners Corner to see what you will need to set up a complete program.
8. Set up your cardio
If you are a beginner, start with about one week for 20-30 minutes (or however much you can handle) of your new year plan. Sit down with your calendar and plan what you will do, how long you will do it and where you will do it.
9. Choose the Perfect Outfit
Its time for the biggest celebration of the year-New Years Eve party and we all feel a little pressure about the whole situation. It does not matter if you are going to some spectacular night club or you will stay at home with a nice company, the most important thing is to look perfect for the big day. We all know that its not that simple to remember all things that must be done for you to look gorgeous, from head to toe. Thats why we have made this article with steps which will help you to get ready for New Years party on time without forgetting anything
10. Pick a Statement Necklace
Pick a Statement Necklace
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