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How do you get that calm feng shui feel

Tips to Feng Shui Your Home


How do you get that calm feng shui feel

Its a combination of safety with an enveloping bed; coziness with soft materials; and symmetry with table lamps and nightstands that create a bookend effect The bed feels like a little room within a room


Keep your toilet lid down
What if you like uncovered windows but your view is of a brick wall or your neighbors rusty swing set
Replace or fix anything that is broken cracked molding rotting or in any kind of disrepair
What else
Fix your squeaks
If you dont have a wall to put the sofa against how can a floating sofa work
How do you get that calm feng shui feel
Is it true that you shouldnt store anything under the bed
Cover up the TV in your bedroom
Where should the bed go
Is a diningroom rug a feng shui requirement
Create the right amount of activity and rest depending upon the use of the room
More ...

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