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Being the one person to reply to invitations that ask if anyone has any dietary restrictions

Things Vegetarians Get Really Good


Being the one person to reply to invitations that ask if anyone has any dietary restrictions

In this picture we see a lovely lady with straight long hair and beautiful complexion thanks to the goodness of her being a vegetarian. But though she looks irritated at being the butt of a joke she seems to take it in stride as her facial expression suggests. She seems to tell the joker


Turning down 75 percentage of the free samples at Costco
Bringing your own lunch to work because fast food has pretty much zero options for you
Being the one person to reply to invitations that ask if anyone has any dietary restrictions
Dealing with dates who say theyll take it as a challenge to break you and get you to eat meat
Feeling less guilty when a host makes you your own special vegetarian entree
Having really good snack game
Making a mean peanut butter and jelly
Ignoring people who say things like Hitler was a vegetarian so I cant trust you
Explaining that this isnt all you eat
Being sarcastic with people who are like But its fish Here just try it
Can you eat animal crackers Ha ha
Enjoying a life built around so many meat free AND delicious foods
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