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Set a good example to your students

Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


Set a good example to your students

Remember that you are the teacher. It is important for you to be like a superhero figure in their eyes. Remember that your students look up to you and will thus try to mimic your disposition. If you are rude or inappropriate, they will have an inappropriate model for their behavior. It is vital that students see you as a person with confidence, so that they follow your lead, and feel comfortable trusting you. Students, of all ages, need someone they can lean on, look up to, and trust.


Teach in a variety of ways
Be compassionate
Successful teachers never stop learning
Orally ask about basics before teaching a topic in depth
Successful teachers are reflective
Successful teachers are not threatened by parent advocacy
Successful teachers have a sense of purpose
Believe in them
Never let your students down when they come to you with their problems
Successful teachers have a positive attitude
Manage behaviour
Successful teachers are consistent
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