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Things Successful Teachers Do Differently


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Even if you consider yourself a cool teacher who explains everything in a way that even the stupidest person would understand you, don't be lazy to explain it to your students several times, and what is even more important try to do that in different manners. Sometimes, they really don't get it, but it's not because they are stupid: maybe some of them just think different.
Be patient, and explain your material over and over again, making sure all students understand what you're talking about. You know, how difficult it will be for them to learn further, if they don't get the basis.


Orally ask about basics before teaching a topic in depth
Never let your students down when they come to you with their problems
Set some ground rules
Successful teachers give their students emotional support
Think about teacher student relationships
Praise can do more harm than good
Instruction matters
Successful teachers take time to explore new tools
Successful teachers are masters of their subject
Learning should be hard at first
Successful teachers are not threatened by parent advocacy
Successful teachers are consistent
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