Spelt and Spelt Pasta
Spelt and Spelt Pasta
Spelt is a close relative of wheat and was widely cultivated in the Middle Ages, though over time it lost out to other wheats. When harvested, spelt has a tough hull on the grains that must be removed before it can be milled into flour.
Spelt provides potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, and the B vitamins niacin, thiamine, and riboflavin. As a close relative of wheat, its nutrition profile is much the same, though it appears to provide more niacin. Spelt also contains gluten, making it inappropriate for people with celiac disease or on gluten-free diets.
Nutritional Facts :
One and one-half cups of cooked organic whole spelt pasta provide 190 calories, 40 g carbohydrate, 8 g protein, 1.5 g fat, 5 g dietary fiber, and 1.8 mg iron.

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