Brewer s Yeast
Brewer s Yeast
Brewer’s yeast appears to help stabilize both serum triglycerides and glucose levels, due to its high levels of chromium. If you are interested in its sugar-regulating effects, seek out the type that has not been “debittered,” because chromium is removed in the debittering process. Brewer’s yeast also provides B vitamins, and it is one of the very few non-animal sources of vitamin B12.
Sprinkle brewer’s yeast on food to add extra B vitamins, protein, and minerals.
Many folk remedies for poor skin include brewer’s yeast, and some studies have suggested that consuming brewer’s yeast can accelerate the healing time for cuts and similar injuries.
Nutritional Facts :
One ounce of brewer’s yeast provides 80 calories, 10.9 g carbohydrate, 11 g protein, 0.3 g fat, 1.1 g dietary fiber, 4.4 mg thiamine, 10.7 mg niacin, 1.2 mg riboflavin, 537 mg potassium, 34 mg sodium, 497 mg phosphorus, 60 mg calcium, and 4.9 mg iron.