Honeydew Melon
Honeydew Melon
Honeydew melon, like cantaloupe, is a variety of muskmelon. Honeydews are in the Inodorus group, named for the sweet smell of these melons. Typically, honeydews have a pale green flesh, though some newer hybrid types have orange flesh and these may have more carotenes. Honeydews are a good of vitamin C, potassium, copper, and B vitamins (including thiamine, niacin, B6, and pantothenic acid). The water and potassium present in honeydews help maintain healthy blood pressure and hydration.
Nutritional Facts :
One cup of cubed raw honeydew melon provides 60 calories, 15.6 g carbohydrate, 0.8 g protein, 0.2 g fat, 1 g dietary fiber, 68 IU vitamin A, 42 mg vitamin C, 10 mcg folic acid, 461 mg potassium, 17 mg sodium, 10 mg calcium, 17 mg phosphorus, and 12 mg magnesium.