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Cardamom is an exotic-tasting, sweet spice derived from the seeds of a ginger-like plant. Cardamom gives chai its spiciness and is a cuisine feature from India and the Middle East to Scandinavia. The Greeks and Romans used cardamom as a perfume.
Cardamom may help with cleansing the kidneys and the bladder, stimulating the digestive system, and reducing gas. It has been shown to be antispasmodic and can counteract excess acidity in the stomach, stimulate appetite, remedy infection, and cure halitosis (bad breath). It is also credited with improving circulation to the lungs, which Benefits those with asthma and bronchitis.
Nutritional Facts :
One teaspoon of ground cardamom provides 6 calories, 1.4 g carbohydrate, 0.2 g protein, 0.1 g fat, 0.6 g dietary fiber, 22 mg potassium, 4 mg phosphorus, 8 mg calcium, 0.28 mg iron, 5 mg magnesium, 0.01 mg copper, 0.15 mg zinc, and 0.56 mg manganese.


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