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Man of Substance

Sunil Bharti Mittal


Man of Substance

Sunil Mittal was awarded the Padma Bhushan, which is Indias third highest civilian honor. Sunil is also a member of the Prime Ministers Council on Trade and Industry.The Keil Institute, Germany awarded him the Global Economy award in 2009. Sunil has a long list of awards and recognitions. Several major media houses, such as, The Times of India, NDTV and Business times have honored him with the title of Businessman of the year. The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has him on its Telecommunication board. Sunil is associated with several world class academic institutes such as Indian Institute of Management(IIM), Indian school of Business, London Business School and the Harvard Business School.


Company Profile
The Ideal Beginning
Conjugal Relationship
The Big trouble that threw him out of business overnight
Growing Up
Entrepreneur at 18
Time for a Change
Lets hear some facts it in his own words
Man of Substance
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