start a hobby

Start a Hobby

A hobby is a regular activity done for pleasure e.g. collecting themed items and objects.
1. Before you even think about what you want to do start saving up
If you start a hobby that cost a lot of money, and are already half way to your cash goal, things get that much easier.
2. Figure out what you want to do
Try to get your self out there, go to your local workshop, talk with other hobbyist or just try new things.
3. Now that you know what you want to do ask yourself Am I ready to spend a lot of time on this a lot of money and do I enjoy what I am about to do
If the answer is no to any of these questions, then find something else to do
4. This may sound like a no brainer but not a lot of people do it
Read the instruction manual Or at least the safety warnings. You may learn something that you would never otherwise know..
5. Start your hobby
Start your hobby And keep dedicated to it, try to allocate X amount of time every day, or week or month to spend on it.
6. When you finish your first project show off
Brag about it and make sure the world sees it.
7. Think of a hobby that might interest you
It might be an interest that you always wished you had time to explore, but never had the time or money required to pursue your interest.Ask yourself these questions: What I could do all day if I had the chance?, Why do I love doing this thing?, Is it worth spending my time on this activity?, and Would I enjoy it?.
8. Look at the walls in your post office and think about collecting stamps and what you might need to do to start and maintain a stamp collection
Think of other items you might like to collect, for example, coins, dolls, or chocolate wrappers. You will need to consider how you will get your collectibles, where you will put them and whether you will display them. And remember to think about swaps with family!
9. Discover art for a hobby
Have you ever gone to a museum, looked at the paintings on the walls, and wondered if you could do the same thing? How about trying painting for yourself in oils, acrylics or watercolors? Or maybe try drawing with charcoal or colored pencils. One particularly wonderful way to get involved in your community and make art at the same time is to participate in painting a mural. This will last for a long time and everyone in your community will see it and smile.Art does have a long learning curve, do not measure your progress against other peoples drawings. Measure it against your own past drawings, date everything, take classes or borrow and buy instruction books and do all the projects. Tracing, measuring methods like using a grid and using photographs as references are not cheating. There is no cheating in art, unless its breaking the rules of a specific contest.
10. Write novels and short stories
Every year an online novel writing group, gets together to turn the worlds loneliest art form into something like the Boston Marathon. If you ever wanted to write a book, go ahead and give it a try. Thats the biggest but there are other online writing challenges and writing groups you can get along with. Many areas also have offline writing groups. Print on Demand technology has made self publishing a volume of your poetry, your novel or your stories reasonably priced for a hobbyist. Like art, theres a learning curve to getting good enough at this for more than your immediate friends and family to like it, but time will improve every hobby and only you know the story you want to tell.