Rules of play in Snooker
A player who gets the right to strike has to hit one of the red ball first.
1 A strike, when the next legal object is a red ball, is legal when:
The white ball is not potted. The white ball hits a red ball first. Only red balls are potted.Otherwise the strike is a foul according to the rules of snooker.
2 When the strike on the red ball is legal:
If no red ball is potted then the opposing player is next. When a red ball is potted then the player gets as many points as the number of red balls he has potted. The striker s next legal object is a colored snooker ball (see next point rules).3 A strike, when the next legal object is a color ball, is legal when:
The white ball is not potted. If there are still red balls on the table then one of the colored balls is hit by the white ball first. If there are no more red balls on the table then the colored ball with the lowest points is hit first. Only the ball that was hit first by the white ball is be potted.Otherwise the strike is a foul.
4 When the strike on the colored ball is legal:
If no ball is potted then the opposing player is next. When a colored ball is potted then the player s points increase by the point value of the potted colored ball. The striker s next legal object is a red ball. If there are no more red balls on the table, the next legal object is the ball with the lowest points.