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Rules of play in Snooker

Snooker for Beginners


Rules of play in Snooker

A player who gets the right to strike has to hit one of the red ball first.

1 A strike, when the next legal object is a red ball, is legal when:

  • The white ball is not potted.

  • The white ball hits a red ball first.

  • Only red balls are potted.

  • Otherwise the strike is a foul according to the rules of snooker.

    2 When the strike on the red ball is legal:
  • If no red ball is potted then the opposing player is next.

  • When a red ball is potted then the player gets as many points as the number of red balls he has potted. The striker s next legal object is a colored snooker ball (see next point rules).

  • 3 A strike, when the next legal object is a color ball, is legal when:
  • The white ball is not potted.

  • If there are still red balls on the table then one of the colored balls is hit by the white ball first.

  • If there are no more red balls on the table then the colored ball with the lowest points is hit first.

  • Only the ball that was hit first by the white ball is be potted.

  • Otherwise the strike is a foul.
    4 When the strike on the colored ball is legal:
  • If no ball is potted then the opposing player is next.

  • When a colored ball is potted then the player s points increase by the point value of the potted colored ball. The striker s next legal object is a red ball. If there are no more red balls on the table, the next legal object is the ball with the lowest points.

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    Steps 5 Continue in that manner as long as there are still red balls on the table
    Steps 7 The snooker game ends when there are no longer balls on the table
    what is Snooker
    Steps 1 Obtain the proper equipment
    How to Play Snooker
    Steps 6 run out
    Steps 3 Toss a coin to decide who is to play first
    The Game
    Opening break rules
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    Steps 4 fails
    Snooker Foul Rules
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