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Manahel Thabet

Smartest People Of All Time


Manahel Thabet

In 2008, aged 25, Yemeni economist and scientist Manahel Thabet became the youngest person to receive a financial engineering Ph.D. magna cum laude. Thabet earned the degree at the University of Illinois and has since worked towards a second Ph.D. in quantum mathematics. In 2012 she came up with a revolutionary 350 page formula to calculate distance in space without the use of light. She also has an IQ higher than 168 and garnered a Genius of the Year Award and a spot on the 2013 World Genius Directory s list. Thabet set up the company Smart Tips Consultants in 2008. Her accolades include a humanitarian award for her efforts with the United Nations and a Woman of the Year Award from the Women s Federation for World Peace.


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