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Mislav Predavec

Smartest People Of All Time


Mislav Predavec

Mislav Predavec is a Croatian mathematics professor with a reported IQ of 190. I always felt I was a step ahead of others. As material in school increased, I just solved the problems faster and better, he has explained. Predavec was born in Zagreb in 1967, and his unique abilities were obvious from a young age. As for his adult achievements, since 2009 Predavec has taught at Zagreb s Schola Medica Zagrabiensis. In addition, he runs trading company Preminis, having done so since 1989. And in 2002 Predavec founded exclusive IQ society GenerIQ, which forms part of his wider IQ society network. Very difficult intelligence tests are my favorite hobby, he has said. In 2012 the World Genius Directory ranked Predavec as the third smartest person in the world.


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