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Skin Lightening Face Pack using Saffron

Saffron Or Kesar Get Beautiful Skin


Skin Lightening Face Pack using Saffron

Saffron is very effective ar lightening the skin on account of it being an excellent skin lightening agent.

2 to 3 strands of saffron
Small pinch of sugar
1 tsp of milk
1 tsp of water
2 to 3 drops of olive or coconut oil
1 bread slice

Take about two to three strands of saffron in about one to two teaspoons of water.
Soak them in the water overnight. After about twelve hours, the colour of water will turn golden yellowish.
Now add the milk, the sugar and a few drops of coconut oil or olive oil to the saffron infused water.
Immerse a piece of bread in this mixture and spread the mixture over your face with this piece of bread. Bread crumbs can stick to your face but they can be easily washed off.
Keep this pack on your face for about fifteen minutes.
Splash water and wash this off your face when it becomes dry. Repeat three to four times a week.
This saffron facial mask clears up the gloomy skin rapidly. It helps to reduce dark circles and fine lines. This homemade face pack made from saffron immediately increases the circulation of blood to the face and adds a glow to it.


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