Ujjayi Breath
Rules to play Yoga
Ujjayi Breath
Sit crosslegged on the floor or on your knees in Thunderbolt position. Keep your torso straight and do not lean forward. Place a cushion under the buttocks or the knees if you need more support. Inhale slowly, keeping the mouth closed and partially closing, or contracting, the back of your throat to slow down the breath. Hold for a few seconds. Exhale, again partially closing or contracting at the back of the throat to slow down the breath. This breath will make a hoarse hisslike sound like steam being released from a radiator. Repeat five times. As you get better at this, try to exhale for longer than you inhale. Benefit: Increases lung capacity, opens the chest, relaxes the nervous system, increases oxygen in the blood, reduces phlegm and strengthens the immune system.