Violations and Penalties
Rules to play Tee Ball
Violations and Penalties
Players, Coaches, Managers and Spectators, shall not make disparaging or offensive or insulting remarks to or about other players, officials or spectators. Umpires will not tolerate any conduct or allow verbal interference such that in the umpires opinion the sport is brought into disrepute.
A For a first offence, a coach, manager, spectator or player is liable at the umpires discretion to be removed from the game and the vicinity of the playing field if felt necessary. The umpire has the discretion to give a warning but on the second occasion by the same offender, they must be removed.
B Failure to leave the vicinity warrants forfeiture of the game in such case, the score shall be nine nil in favour of the opposing team.
C On all warnings, the umpire shall instruct the scorers to enter such, on the scorecard, with the offending members name, team and type of offence.