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Amateur sumo

Rules to play Sumo Wrestling


Amateur sumo

Sumo is also an amateur sport, with participants in college, high school and grade school in Japan. In addition to college and school tournaments, there are also open amateur tournaments. The sport at this level is stripped of most of the ceremony. The most successful amateur wrestlers in Japan usually college champions can be allowed to enter professional sumo at makushita third division rather than from the very bottom of the ladder. This rank is called makushita tsukedashi, and is currently makushita 10 or 15 depending on the level of amateur success achieved. Many of the current top division wrestlers entered professional sumo by this route. All entry by amateur athletes into the professional ranks is subject to them being young enough under 23 to satisfy the entry requirements, barring qualification as a makushita tsukedashi under 25.


Sumo originated at Shinto shrines
Match and Dressing the Wrestlers
Sumo divisions
Sumo wrestlers used to be skinny
Hiring an attendant
Sumo wrestlers must live a traditional lifestyle
Sumo events
Fans express their disappointment by throwing cushions
Yakuza like sumo
Box seats
The wrestling ring
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