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Strategy and Technique

Rules to play Petanque


Strategy and Technique

Though the rules for petanque are relatively simple, the strategy can become sophisticated. There are limited boules to point shoot, and different player experiences with shooting and pointing as well as different areas in the terrain to work with. Some basic strategy includes
1. pointing your boules so that they rest in front and in the way of your opponents boules. This boule in front not only presents a barrier to your opponent, but that boule can be accidentally pushed closer to the cochon by an opponents boule.
2. keeping track of how many boules your opponent has left to play so that you know what shooting risks you can take.
3. leaving an open path to the cochon for others on your team to point.
4. leaving a wall in front of the cochon to keep your opponents boules away.
5. using an opponents boule as a backstop when pointing to the cochon.


Winning the Game
Throw the Boules
How to Score Points
The Place to Play
To have the point
Equipment needed
Playing styles
To shoot
Beginning a New Round
Decide who goes first
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