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Length of the game

Rules to play Horseshoes


Length of the game

The length of a game shall be determined before play begins. There are two options:
1. Point Limit The game shall be played to a predetermined number of points. 40 points is the suggested amount. The first contestant to reach (or exceed) that amount is the winner.
2. Shoe Limit The game shall be played to a predetermined amount of shoes. It shall be an even number. When that amount is reached, the contestant with the highest score is the winner. If the score is tied, there are two options:
a. Each contestant shall receive 1 2 win and 1 2 loss. (This option should be used if a handicap system is in effect.)
b. A two inning tie breaker shall be played, using the same method of play that was used in the game. In the event of another tie, the same process shall be repeated and this procedure shall continue until the tie is broken.


The horseshoe
Pit substance
Temporary and or raised courts
Foul lines
Game preparation
The courts
Altered shoes
Playing the Game
Pitching distances
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