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Non posted general rules

Rules to play Aquatics


Non posted general rules

1. Offensive language will not be tolerated.
2. Persons with medical conditions must contact a manager before entering.
3. Swim test consists of being able to swim 15 meters in good form (to be determined by the managers) using rhythmic breathing before going into any area where patrons cannot stand.
4. No camera or cell phone usage in locker room area.
5. Cameras may only be used inside the facility with a camera pass obtained from the manager.
6. Parent may carry their child in the lap pool area to the 5 foot rope provided the child is in front of the parent.
7. Patrons who are wearing offensive or overly exposing clothing may be asked to leave the facility.
8. Patrons who are not wearing appropriate swim attire will be asked to leave the facility or change into appropriate clothing.
9. The managers, due to extenuating circumstances, may wave or modify a rule to accommodate those with special needs.


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