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Republic Day SMS

Republic Day


Republic Day SMS

One of the most significant national festivals of India, Republic Day is celebrated on 26th of January every year.This date commemorates the enforcement of the Constitution of India, which declared India as a Sovereign, Democratic and Republic state.The occasion is honored with great respect, zeal and enthusiasm.This specific day was primarily chosen to pay homage and honor to the declaration of the independence of India made in the year 1930.While the main event takes place at Rajpath in New Delhi, people celebrate the day in their own traditional and informal ways.The entire nation is lighted with unity and brotherhood.In case you are wondering how to greet your near ad dear ones this Republic Day, do not worry.SMS have become the fastest and cheapest method for exchanging greetings with one another across the world.

One Nation, One Vision, One Identity No Nation is Perfect, it needs to be made perfect. Meri Pehchaan Mera India Happy Republic Day!

The Roots of Violence Wealth without work, Pleasure without conscience, Knowledge without character, Commerce without morality, Science without humanity, Worship without sacrifice, Politics without principlesHappy Republic Day!!


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