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Checkpoints before starting washing

Precautions while using Washing Machine


Checkpoints before starting washing

Add liquid detergent to a white towel and the garment where you cant notice well. Then, rub together strongly. Check if the color transferred to the towel. Be careful for scarves and imported clothes since they are easily discoloring. Check for stains or partial dirt. If stains are found, use the towel wet with detergents to rub on in a single direction. Before washing, the sleeves, collar, dress hem and pockets are pre treated by brushing with detergents. The wrinkle processed clothes made of wool are specially treated by fixing them with threads before washing. The threads shall be removed after the clothes are dried.


Avoid using hot water
Keep the machine level
Be cool
Water Saving course
Level the washing machine
Do not over wash clothes
Hot water wash
Move the machine
Always sort your laundry for washing
Green organic dry cleaning
Wash load sensor
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