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Your card has been used fraudulently

Precautions while using Skype


Your card has been used fraudulently

It is possible that your card has been used fraudulently to buy Skype Credit. We take every precaution to ensure that only genuine transactions get processed; however, criminals have developed a number of techniques, such as random card generators or using stolen card lists, to gain access to an individuals credit debit card information.If your card is a credit card, you are not liable for this transaction in any way. All major credit card companies have policies that protect you against this kind of fraud.If your card is a debit card, your financial institution is required to reimburse you for fraudulent transactions.


Do not reveal your password or credit card number
Be careful with links
Be prepared
Hire a babysitter
The charge is a recurring payment
Add only friends
Leave personal information off your profile
Skype safety
Skype security
Pay attention to the lighting
Be aware of interruptions
Situate yourself against a plain background
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