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Click your cursor in the Body field of the message

Precautions while using Securing Email


Click your cursor in the Body field of the message

This box may not be labelled as anything but will always be the largest block of white space on the new message template. Your email ID and its password are your own confidential information. No company s employee will ever ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or email message. The sender is a hacker, no doubt. S/he wants to gain access to your account and send spam emails, like asking money from your contacts or make an unauthorized third party send spam or fraudulent emails to your contact list.


Risks to user
Replay of previous messages
Change back to the ways things used to be
Switching to a more secure email account
Send e mails
Disclosure of Information
Never use the same passwords
Visit the website of the email provider of your choice
Denial of Service
Find the link on the homepage of your chosen provider that says Sign Up or Create New Account
Build a regular
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