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Avoid creating a missile out of the tank

Precautions while using Oxygen Therapy


Avoid creating a missile out of the tank

Secure an oxygen cylinder to a solidly fixed object to avoid creating a missile out of the tank. This might happen if it was accidentally knocked over and gas was allowed to escape. Do not use oil, grease or petroleum based products on the equipment. Do not use it near you while you use oxygen. These materials are highly flammable and will burn readily with the presence of oxygen. Avoid petroleum based lotions or creams, like Vaseline, on your face or upper chest. Check the ingredients of such products before purchase. If a skin moisturizer is needed, consider using cocoa butter, aloe vera or other similar products. For lubrication or rehydration of dry nasal passages, use water based products. Your pharmacist or care provider can suggest these.


Use in acute conditions
Negative effects
Be careful in the kitchen
Keep a fire extinguisher
Be Prepared
Store oxygen containers
Filtered oxygen masks
Around the Home
As a drug delivery route
Avoid using electrical appliances
Compressed gas storage
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