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Use in acute conditions

Precautions while using Oxygen Therapy


Use in acute conditions

Oxygen is widely used in emergency medicine, both in hospital and by emergency medical services or those giving advanced first aid. In the pre hospital environment, high flow oxygen is definitively indicated for use in resuscitation, major trauma, anaphylaxis, major haemorrhage, shock, active convulsions and hypothermia. It may also be indicated for any other patient where their injury or illness has caused hypoxaemia, although in this case oxygen flow should be moderated to achieve target oxygen saturation levels, based on pulse oximetry (with a target level of 94


Supplemental oxygen
When Using Oxygen
Initial setup
Do not carry liquid oxygen in a backpack
Position Patient
Using and maintaining tanks
Medical equipment
Do not use cleaning products
Use in chronic conditions
Home oxygen precautions
Do not use electric razors
As a drug delivery route
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