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Dont try to microwave a whole egg in its shell

Precautions while using Microwaves


Dont try to microwave a whole egg in its shell

Prick egg yolks or items with tight skins such as potatoes, eggplants, sausages. It helps avoid an explosion. Dont try to microwave a whole egg in its shell! Dont use plastic wrap unless its designed for microwave, and even then, dont let it touch the food because of the possibility chemicals could be transferred into your food. Better yet, cover with another microwave proof dish or a microwave plate cover designed for that purpose.


Do not set oven for excessive cook times
Make sure you do not stick your face too close to the microwave door
Its unsafe for the microwave if its warm
Causes loss of memory
What happens to people with pacemakers when they are near microwave ovens
Cooking meats
Require servicing
Make sure that the interlocking device
Can be damaged by unabsorbed energy
If something in your microwave catches on fire
Greater safety and peace of mind
Do not operate an oven when empty
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