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One hand face and body to side

Precautions while using Electrical Equipment


One hand face and body to side

Use one hand with your face and body turned to the side when operating a safety switch. Limit possible injuries by not placing body parts directly in front of energized equipment when there is danger of an arc flash. If a device has a metal enclosure or other exposed metal parts then there is a danger that these exposed metal parts could become live during a fault and this could itself cause an electric shock. The voltage on the exposed metal parts during a fault is known as the Touch Voltage.


Use the right equipment
Checking the Power of the Equipment
Check that the equipment is suitable for the electrical supply
Do not put excessive load on any particular circuit
Maintenance and repairs
Assessing the risks from electricity
Remove metal stuff
Never neglect electric repairing tasks
Underground and overhead electrical supplies
Circuit Protection Devices
What are the risks from electricity
Limit the exposure
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