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Remove metal stuff

Precautions while using Electrical Equipment


Remove metal stuff

These could cause a short circuit where small clearances are involved. (If it is necessary to wear medic alert bracelets, secure them with transparent surgical or adhesive tape or rubber bands.) To avoid the danger of electric shock due to this voltage you should make sure that any major metal elements in the building are bonded to the building electrical earth or ground conductor. This ensures that during a fault all the metal in the building goes to the same fault voltage rather than some of it staying at the outside earth voltage thus reducing the touch voltage. This is known as earthed equipotential bonding with automatic disconnection of supply or eebads.


Avoid contact with energized electrical circuits
Electrical Safety Precautions
Assessing the risks from electricity
protective clothes and shoes
Turn off switches before working on electrical gadgets
Think ahead
Reduce the voltage
Basic electrical safety
Do not put excessive load on any particular circuit
Use Residual Current Devices
Limit the exposure
Check the electrical supply is safe to use
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