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Single channel operation

Precautions while using Cathode Ray Oscilloscope


Single channel operation

1. Set the coupling of channel 1 input to DC and connect the signal generator to this input. Note that the outer connectors of the coaxial sockets are connected to earth. This means that if one of the signal generators terminals is also grounded, the two grounded contacts must be the ones which are connected together. .
2. Set the generator to produce a sine wave of frequency 1 kHz and amplitude 1 V. Some signal generators specify the peak to peak amplitude or alternatively the r.m.s voltage. In these cases use 2 V p p or 1.41 V respectively .
3. If the signal generator has the option of adding a DC offset to the signal set this to 0V so that the signal is purely AC.
4. Reset the oscilloscope time base to 1 ms per division and set the channel gain to 0.5 V per division.


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