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Passphrase quality and lifespan

Precaution while using WiFi


Passphrase quality and lifespan

A secure network passphrase greatly enhances network security, so it is important to select an effective passphrase. In general, increasing length, complexity and randomness all improve the quality of a passphrase. Wi Fi Alliance recommends that a passphrase is at least eight characters long, and includes a mixture of upper and lower case letters and symbols. A passphrase should not contain a word found in a dictionary and should not include personal information (identification number, name, address, etc).


Keep Your Firewall Active
Secure all your other online accounts
Malicious Hotspots
Secure your web based email
Secure your desktop email program
Use long and strong passwords
Turn on the firewall
Use a mobile hotspot
Don t use public networks to login
Avoid accessing websites
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