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Checking security on an existing network

Precaution while using WiFi


Checking security on an existing network

When you add a new device to your Wi Fi network, it s a great time to make sure you re taking advantage of the highest level of security. Take the opportunity to ensure your network is configured for WPA2. If your network was set up some time ago, or a service provider (e.g consultant or cable provider) configured your home network, it may be worth checking that it s configured for the highest level of security. If your network is configured for an older generation of security (WEP or WPA), Wi Fi Alliance


Buy a data plan
Don t forget the physical
Beware of Cybercriminals
Use Secured Pages
Use a mobile hotspot
Install browser security
Don t use public networks to login
Avoid automatically connecting to Wi Fi hotspots
Tether your phone
On the go
Nothing Is Private on Open Wi Fi
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