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Disable Your Wi Fi Adaptor When Not Using The Computer

Precaution while using WiFi


Disable Your Wi Fi Adaptor When Not Using The Computer

Many devices today come with a hardware switch to turn on or off the wireless adaptor. Since you are not using the hotspot, there is no sense it keeping the computer connected to the network. People may hack into the computer and steal your data. It is advised that once you are finished with your work, turn off the adaptor if not the computer.


Protect yourself
Checking security on an existing network
Maximum security protection
Only Use Encrypted Websites
Secure all your other online accounts
Turn OFF Printer and File Sharing
Secure your web based email
Use a dedicated mobile modem
Is it OK to use this random wireless network that I just found
Secure your desktop email program
Avoid accessing websites
Don t use public networks to login
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