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Only Use Encrypted Websites

Precaution while using WiFi


Only Use Encrypted Websites

Anyone with some basic hacking experience can steal information from other computers on a public network. You can make it considerably harder by only using encrypted sites. You will know whether a site uses encryption by its address. If it starts andhttps,and then it s a secure site. Without the ands,and you re making it easy for someone to watch you enter passwords and account numbers. Https sites encrypt the information that you submit online so that eavesdroppers just see mess of letters and numbers. If you want to use an email server, make sure you have the SSL enabled so no one can see your ID, password, or emails.


Buy a data plan
Ensure your Web based email is secure
Avoid using third party
Install a mobile antivirus and security app
Make sure the network is legit and encrypted
Use strong passwords
Keep Your Firewall Active
Make sure your computer has the latest firewall software
Use Additional Security If Available
An Alternative to Using Unsecure Public Wi Fi
Consider not using free Wi Fi at all
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