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If someone drunk the best thing to do is to put them to sleep

Myth about Alcohol


If someone drunk the best thing to do is to put them to sleep

The amount of alcohol it takes to make someone pass out is close to the amount that will cause death. Their body will continue to process any drinks taken just before they passed out, possibly increasing their blood alcohol to the point that they may go into cardiac arrest. Also, if they throw up while passed out they could choke and die. Do not leave someone who has passed out alone. They need to be watched over until they have returned to consciousness so that medical attention can be sought if they get into difficulty.


Dark beers are stronger in alcohol
Coffee and a cold shower will reduce the effect of Alcohol
Alcohol ages
You cant get a hangover from drinking organic beer
Everyone drinks
Light Beer is Healthier than Dark Beer
Wine is the only good drink for the heart
Beer makes you dehydrated
Foriegn beer can taste like urine
Its just beer It cant permanently damage you
Youll be more affected by spirits than by beer or a wine cooler
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