Myth about Alcohol
The term alcohol originally referred to the primary alcohol ethyl alcohol,
1. Mixing alcohol with energy drinks makes you drunker
An energy rush from caffeine as a higher level of drunk. But energy drinks dont actually enhance the relaxed and sociable feeling caused by a few drinks. Instead, caffeine masks the sedative effects of alcohol that often cue people to stop drinking . As a result, people are tricked into thinking they have more energy than they actually do, which can push them to continue drinking Energy drinks alter the perception of how intoxicated we really are, but have no direct effect on how those shots hit us. One exception? Mixing alcohol with diet soda may actually increase intoxication .
2. Beer makes you dehydrated
Beer causes you to urinate more, thus becoming more dehydrated.Beer causes you to become bloated, thus not giving you enough room to stay hydrated.
3. Alcohol ages
Alcohol dehydrates your skin, which causes wrinkles. While the alcohol is in your body itll stimulate water retention, however line formation can come from the absence of that water.
Research has indicated that alcohol affects sleep in a number of ways, affecting protein channels in the brain that are responsible for regulating our sleep cycles.Alcohol has a natural sedative effect so it may seem logical that a glass of wine/whiskey or a beer before bed would help you get a good nights rest.Alcohol help you fall asleep quicker, as the alcohol is metabolised through your body during the night, your sleep becomes progressively lighter
5. Dark beers are stronger in alcohol
The color of beer has no relation to its alcohol content. For example, Guinness, one of the most popular dark beers has an alcohol volume of 4.2%, while several lightcolored Belgian beers have alcohol content of 8%+.Dark beers just look like theyre thicker, fuller in taste, and higher in carbs and calories. Many also assume blacker brews, like porters and ales, are higher in alcohol.
6. Puking helps you sober up
Puking (vomiting)helps you overcome and prevents hangovers. Theoretically, getting rid of alcohol that hasnt yet been digested means it wont be absorbed by the body and cant contribute to tomorrow mornings headache.Alcohol absorption into the bloodstream begins almost immediately, so getting rid of the likely small amount in vomit probably wont make much of a differenceif youre already at that point, theres likely already too much alcohol in the bodys system to escape that hangover the next day.
7. Alcohol kills brain cells
Alcohol only damages the neurons. The body can repair neurons but not back to their natural state. Studies have shown that alcohol consumption can even help reduce the risk of Alzheimers disease.Alcohol doesnt permanently destroy brain cells. It damages dendrites, which are the little feelers on neurons that convey electrical messages from your brain to your body. Neurons are the cells that act as communicators, triggering motor responses to physical stimuli. its important to note that persistent alcohol abuse can indirectly contribute to lasting defects, since alcoholism is often accompanied by other poor health habits like poor nutrition. Overuse of alcohol combined with a lack of nutrients can lead to memory lapses and problems with motor coordination.
8. Coffee and a cold shower will reduce the effect of Alcohol
A human liver can process about one standard drink every hour (Thats 1.5 oz of hard liquor, 5 ounces of wine, or 12 ounces of beer.) Coffee or a dunk in a brisk shower might wake you up a little, but it wont speed up the process of eliminating the bad stuff from your system. Time is the only cure.Its easy to think that this combo will banish sleepiness and reduce the effects of alcohol, but the wakeup call treats only the symptomsnot the causeof fatigue brought on by a late night of drinking.
9. I just drink socially
Drinking with other people does not make you a social drinker. Social drinkers might drink regularly, but they dont get drunk. Nor does a social drinker exhibit any of the clinical signs of addition to alcohol.
10. Alcohol gives you energy
Actually, its the opposite. Alcohol is a drug. Its a depressant and slows down your ability to think, speak and move. Even at low levels, it affects your perception, coordination and judgement, long before any physical signs of impairment occur.
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