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Lightning and the powers of the captain

Myth about Airplanes


Lightning and the powers of the captain

Apparently planes get struck by lightning all the time. Also if a passenger is causing a scene in the jetway he can refuse to let them on and take off without them.The captain has almost limitless authority when the doors are closed. He is allowed to arrest people, write fines and even take the will of a dying passenger.


Hole in the Plane Can Suck In
Never drink water from the lavatory
The bagged airline pillows and blankets are OK to use
Headphones that come wrapped
Do airplanes run out of food
Electronics interfere with the airplane
The recycled oxygen on a plane makes people sick
Airlines clean the aircraft between flights
All liquids should be left at home
An emergency door on a plane is easy to open
Open all the windows during takeoff and landing
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