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You have to take 100 persent of your doses or else the drugs stop working

Myth about AIDS


You have to take 100 persent of your doses or else the drugs stop working

It s very important to take AIDS medications correctly. In fact, if you miss more than about 5% of your doses, HIV has an easier time developing resistance and possibly being able to multiply even when you re taking your medications. However, 100% adherence is not realistic for just about anyone. Do the best you can and be sure to let your health care provider what s going on.


HIV positive people are treated just like everyone else
ARVs disfigure you
Getting tested for HIV is pointless
Current drugs are so strong that you can stop taking them with no problem
Im HIV positive my life is over
HIV can infect only homosexual men and drug users
HIV is a punishment from God
AIDS is a gay disease
AIDS is genocide
I can get ADIS
Sexual intercourse with an animal will avoid or cure AIDS
Only people from the lower socio economic class are affected by HIV
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