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HIV positive people are treated just like everyone else

Myth about AIDS


HIV positive people are treated just like everyone else

They should be and they often are. But one in three people living with HIV still report they have encountered discrimination in the UK. And in the US research has shown stigma and shame are the biggest barriers to people starting treatment after being diagnosed as HIV positive.


I cant have more than one sexually transmitted disease at a time
You have to take your doses exactly 12 hours apart
Sexual intercourse with a virgin will cure AIDS
HIV can infect only homosexual men and drug users
Scientists are five years from a cure for AIDS
AIDS is genocide
HIV/AIDS is a chronic manageable disease
Getting tested for HIV is pointless
You cant get HIV from oral sex
Nothing to worry about becoming HIV positive new drugs will keep me well
Im HIV positive my life is over
To stop the spread of HIV people simply need to give up promiscuous sex and drug use
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