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HIV positive people are treated just like everyone else

Myth about AIDS


HIV positive people are treated just like everyone else

They should be and they often are. But one in three people living with HIV still report they have encountered discrimination in the UK. And in the US research has shown stigma and shame are the biggest barriers to people starting treatment after being diagnosed as HIV positive.


If I or my partner were HIV positive we could not have children
HIV survives for only a short time outside the body
Only people from the lower socio economic class are affected by HIV
Im HIV positive my life is over
HIV positive individuals can be detected by their appearance
You can get AIDS by kissing an HIV infected person
You cant get HIV from oral sex
I cant have more than one sexually transmitted disease at a time
HIV will progress to AIDS and the person will die soon
Scientists are five years from a cure for AIDS
HIV can be spread through casual contact with an HIV infected individual
Sexual intercourse with a virgin will cure AIDS
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