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Love your marriage by first taking care of yourself

Marriage Tips


Love your marriage by first taking care of yourself

So many of my patients say the reason their marriage fell apart is that they became depressed and disinterested in their partner. If you keep working on you, your marriage will stay fresh and vital. Start today by adding a new wedding vow to your list: Promise to take care of yourself so you will continue to age with grace and confidence by your partners side.


Never lose the fine art of dating
You can change your relationship for the better by increasing the use of the following statements
Set aside 10 minutes a day to talk to your partner
On those ever important date nights remember to be a wife first and a critic second
Take time to have some fun together every day
Learn his love language
Change your focus
Youre entitled to the occasional bad mood
The best way to strengthen a marriage is to support and assist each other in being the best you can be
Appreciate your partner at least five times each day
See problems
Fair is not a four letter word
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