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The best way to strengthen a marriage is to support and assist each other in being the best you can be

Marriage Tips


The best way to strengthen a marriage is to support and assist each other in being the best you can be

A strong marriage is one in which both people understand that the other person needs to have outside interests and activities which help them to feel happy and fulfilled. A strong marriage is one where both people understand that it is more important to be happy than it is to be right.


Appreciate your partner at least five times each day
Censor every impulse to blame or criticize your partner
Create a clear vision of your shared future together
Are you creating more pleasurable interactions in your marriage or are you making it painful or unpleasant for your spouse
Before you get mad or assign blame take a breath and ask your partner for his or her perspective
Couples often lose each other because of their busy lives
Every week if possible go out on a date just like you did before you were married
Respect your husband
Accept your partner exactly as they are today
Our brains are the only organ in the human body which do not self regulate
You can have control or you can have connection with your partner
Take time to have some fun together every day
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